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题目:An Overview of Deep Neural Networks for Few-Shot Learning

作者:J. Zhao, L. Kong and J. Lv

来源:Big Data Mining and Analytics, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 145-188.

摘要:Recent advancements in deep learning have led to significant breakthroughs across various fields. However, these methods often require extensive labeled data for optimal performance, posing challenges and high costs in practical applications. Addressing this issue, Few-Shot Learning (FSL) is introduced. FSL aims to learn effectively from limited labeled samples and generalize well during testing. This paper provides a comprehensive survey of FSL, reviewing prominent deep learning based approaches of FSL. We define FSL through literature review in machine learning and specify the -way K -shotparadigm to distinguish it from related learning challenges. Next, we classify FSL methods by analyzing the Vapnik-Chervonenkis dimension of neural networks. It underscores the necessity for models with abundant labeled examples and finite hypothesis space to generalize well to new and unseen instances. We categorize FSL methods into three types based on strategies to increase labeled samples or reduce hypothesis space: data augmentation, model-based methods, and algorithm-optimized approaches. Using this taxonomy, we review various methods and evaluate their strengths and weaknesses. We also present a comparison of these techniques as summarized in this paper, using benchmark datasets. Moreover, we delve into specific sub-tasks within FSL, such as applications in computer vision and robotics. Lastly, we examine the limitations, unique challenges, and future directions of FSL, aiming to offer a thorough understanding of this rapidly evolving field.

题目:Enhanced Attention-Driven Dynamic Graph Convolutional Network for Extracting Drug-Drug Interaction

作者:X. Guo, D. Song and F. Yang

来源:Big Data Mining and Analytics, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 257-271

摘要:.Automatically extracting Drug-Drug Interactions (DDIs) from text is a crucial and challenging task, particularly when multiple medications are taken concurrently. In this study, we propose a novel approach, called Enhanced Attention-driven Dynamic Graph Convolutional Network (E-ADGCN), for DDI extraction. Our model combines the Attention-driven Dynamic Graph Convolutional Network (ADGCN) with a feature fusion method and multi-task learning framework. The ADGCN effectively utilizes entity information and dependency tree information from biomedical texts to extract DDIs. The feature fusion method integrates User-Generated Content (UGC) and molecular information with drug entity information from text through dynamic routing. By leveraging external resources, our approach maximizes the auxiliary effect and improves the accuracy of DDI extraction. We evaluate the E-ADGCN model on the extended DDIExtraction2013 dataset and achieve an F1-score of 81.45%. This research contributes to the advancement of automated methods for extracting valuable drug interaction information from textual sources, facilitating improved medication management and patient safety.



来源:数据与计算发展前沿, 2024, 6(6): 1-9.

摘要:本文根据202411月发布的中国高性能计算机TOP100排行榜的数据,对国内高性能计算机的发展现状从总体性能、制造商、行业领域等方面进行了深入分析。中国TOP100新增4台系统,前十名系统未变,第一名Linpack性能仍为487 PFlops。联想为系统数量冠军,联想、曙光和浪潮三强争霸的局面逐步演化为联想和浪潮的竞争。算力服务这一应用领域的占比依然超过70%,充分反映当前算力经济发展趋势。本文根据二十三届排行榜的性能数据,详细阐述了算力经济发展现状,并对未来中国大陆高性能计算机的发展趋势进行了分析预测。



来源:计算机应用, 2024, 44(12): 3678-3687.




来源:数据与计算发展前沿, 2024, 6(6): 43-52.




来源:计算机应用, 2024, 44(12): 3647-3657.




来源:数据与计算发展前沿, 2024, 6(6): 10-18.

