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题目:Does large-scale research infrastructure affect regional knowledge innovation, and how? A case study of the National Supercomputing Center in China

作者:Yang, H., Liu, L. & Wang, G.

来源:Humanit Soc Sci Commun 11, 338(2024)

摘要:Large-scale research infrastructures (LSRIs) are widely acknowledged as a crucial instrument for venturing into the uncharted territories of science and technology, as well as contributing to the well-being of society. However, only a limited number of literature have scrutinized the impact of LSRIs, founded upon a causal inference framework. Moreover, the function of LSRIs in the advancement of innovation at the regional level remains inadequately identified. Drawing on the resource-based view, this study develops a conceptual framework that links the scientific effect of LSRIs to innovation resources in order to assess their impact on knowledge innovation (KI). Taking Chinas National Supercomputing Center (NSC) as a case, three major mechanism hypotheses are proposed for the impact of NSC on KI, including basic effect, network effect, and technology effect. Using panel data from 283 cities in China from 2000 to 2020, we employ a spatial difference-in-differences estimation model to examine the impact of NSC on KI. The research finds that: (1) The construction of NSC stimulates KI in local and surrounding areas. (2) The main mechanisms by which NSC promotes KI include the increase in fiscal investment and talents in science, the improvement of digital infrastructure, as well as the enhancement of urban network centrality and innovation efficiency. (3) Geographical proximity, cooperation proximity, and digitization proximity constitute the main channels of policy spillover. (4) NSC has not shown significant promotion of regional innovation convergence, and its radiation influence needs further improvement. (5) The knowledge innovation effects of NSCs manifest heterogeneity based on the distinct knowledge orientation and innovation environment, with this impact being notably pronounced in application innovation-oriented cities such as Shenzhen. The results of this study reveal the positive yet limited impact of NSC on KI and provide a reference for other economies in the areas of LSRIs, digital infrastructure, and the formulation of place-based innovation policy.

题目:AlphaPept: a modern and open framework for MS-based proteomics

作者:Strauss, M.T., Bludau, I., Zeng, WF. et al.

来源:Nat Commun 15, 2168(2024)

摘要:In common with other omics technologies, mass spectrometry (MS)-based proteomics produces ever-increasing amounts of raw data, making efficient analysis a principal challenge. A plethora of different computational tools can process the MS data to derive peptide and protein identification and quantification. However, during the last years there has been dramatic progress in computer science, including collaboration tools that have transformed research and industry. To leverage these advances, we develop AlphaPept, a Python-based open-source framework for efficient processing of large high-resolution MS data sets. Numba for just-in-time compilation on CPU and GPU achieves hundred-fold speed improvements. AlphaPept uses the Python scientific stack of highly optimized packages, reducing the code base to domain-specific tasks while accessing the latest advances. We provide an easy on-ramp for community contributions through the concept of literate programming, implemented in Jupyter Notebooks. Large datasets can rapidly be processed as shown by the analysis of hundreds of proteomes in minutes per file, many-fold faster than acquisition. AlphaPept can be used to build automated processing pipelines with web-serving functionality and compatibility with downstream analysis tools. It provides easy access via one-click installation, a modular Python library for advanced users, and via an open GitHub repository for developers.



来源:数据与计算发展前沿, 2024, 6(1): 57-67.




来源:信息资源管理学报, 2024, 14(1): 13-21.




来源:数据与计算发展前沿, 2024, 6(1): 94-101.


题目:数智赋能信息资源管理新路径: 指令工程的概念、内涵和发展


来源:图书情报知识, 2024, 41(1): 6-11.

